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Found something interesting online and decided to do this in the mid of preparing for exams; hoping to keep my sanity.
1. What’s one thing that’s happened to you that has made you a stronger person?
I don't think that there was any single one thing that made me a stronger person, but it's more of everything that has happened
2. What’s one thing that’s happened to you in your life that made you feel weak?
Family issues I guess
3. Where is one place you feel most like yourself?
Home no doubt
4. Where is your favorite place to escape to?
5. Who do you think has had the largest influence on the person you are today?
I think myself, nobody has had that of a large influence on me
6. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
7. If you had one day left to live, what would you do first?
Saying bye to everybody with hugs and kisses
8. What decade do you feel you most belong in?
9. Who are you closest to in your family? Why?
My sister; she sleeps in the same room as me please
10. Who is the one person in this world that knows you best?
Half <3
11. What is your favorite quality about your best friend?
She listens
12. When you were younger what did you think you were going to be when you grew up?
A teacher/Air stewardess
13. If you could identify with one fictional character (from a book, show, or movie) who would it be?
Sleeping Beauty (let me sleep)
14. Do you easily accept compliments? Or do you hate compliments?
I accept compliments
15. Is your favorite attribute about yourself physical or non-physical?
mmmmm physical
16. What is your favorite physical attribute about yourself?
17. What is your favorite non-physical attribute about yourself?
18. Do you believe in love at first sight?
19. Do you believe in soul mates?
20. How seriously do you take horoscopes?
On a scale of 10, 8.
21. Have you ever been in love? How many times?
None (wow my life)
22. What makes you fall in love with someone?
23. What does vulnerability mean to you? What has the ability to make you vulnerable?
When there is nothing that I can do
24. What’s one thing you’re scared to ask a man, but really want to?
Nothing actually, I'll would just ask LMAO
25. If you were a man for a day, what would be the first thing you do?
Find my body back
26. What do you find most attractive about each sex?
Girls: Back muscles
Guys: Collarbone
27. What’s one thing you’d love to learn more about?
Myself, what can I do
28. What is something you’ve never done that you’ve always wanted to do?
Sky dive, Bungee Jump & Hot yoga
29. Why haven’t you done it yet?
Sky dive & Bungee Jump: No money
Hot yoga: No time
30. If money didn’t matter, what would your dream job be?
31. If you had off from work today, what would you do?
Stay at home and nua
32. What was the last thing that made you cry?
Making somebody feel vulnerable
33. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
Variety Shows
34. What is your favorite memory?
Travelling memories
35. What’s the last thing that REALLY embarrassed you?
Can't really remember
36. What is your biggest fear?
37. Do you have any regrets? What’s your biggest one?
Not taking the chances that I had
38. Have you ever broken a law? If you haven’t what is one law you’d love to break?
Drinking/eating in MRTs
39. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
Challenged a street dancer in Korea
40. Would you have a conversation with a stranger?
Yeah I will
41. Would you tell a stranger they have toilet paper hanging from their shoe? Or their dress tucked into their underwear? (Or anything else that is embarrassing to be seen in public)?
Yes save somebody
42. What’s your favorite joke?
No favourites
43. Are you a dog person or a cat person?
None. Bye.
44. If you could be any animal, what animal would you be?
45. What’s one show, movie, or book, you’re embarrassed to admit you enjoy?
Not embarrassed, but yay powerpuff
46. How do you think your parents would describe you as a child?
They always say I'm thrifty thanks
47. If you could go back to any age or time of your life, what age or time would it be?
Secondary 2
48. What’s something you believe in that not everyone else does?
That every end comes with a new beginning
49. What’s one thing you would say that makes you unique from other people?
Accepting almost everything I guess
50. What is one thing you feel your life is missing?
Time |