안녕하세요~ JOEY NG XIANGTING 1995선 Polkadots and Floral prints are th' love. //ELF//dancer//dreamer//kpress//travel// ![]() Kpress Singapore Instagram: @yourgentlesmile Youtube: @yourgentlesmile ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Bandung, Indonesia Trip 2016
Bandung... Wow I just realised that this is my first trip of 2016! /claps Went to Bandung with my bondons, Felicia and Haelim Unnie. Met Tonny and Cheese at JKT, WTF & Poison people over at BAN. Okay actually we went there cause someone said there's a lot of shopping there and its cheap...
Initially we wanted to head to Seoul, LOL. I have no idea why and how did we settled for Bandung but I guess it is because everything is so much cheaper there as compared to Singapore. Also, Bandung has a cooler climate. We wanted to book SQ flight straight to Bandung as it was like $247 for return tickets, but we decided to fly into Jakarta and then take a bus to Bandung. In total we paid $273 for our return Jetstar flight tickets and 4 nights stay in Hilton Hotel... Like we add-on check in baggage some more and Hilton Hotel is like a 5 stars hotel... Okay can. /claps
I think my bondons don't even care about planning omg, they just set whatever they want to do on the day... Okay, so it is me that did the research? Yes I did. /sighs
Our flight was 8am in the morning to JKT, so we arranged to meet at 6am... And everybody late except for Unnie. Wow, such a rare situation. We had time so we went to Texas Chicken for some breakfast. Is it Texas Chicken every time I go airport... And then it was our boarding time, which was 7.45. We walked down, and then I saw the display saying that gate closing... So I told them that gate closing, we need to run. We ran from Texas Chicken to the gate area, and then I saw last call... So we ran faster... What's with us running in at Changi Airport. Thankfully we made it in time, but it is so ridiculous like last call within 5 mins after the stated boarding time?! Bro?
So we boarded the flight to Jakarta, and it was so hot. Like I have no idea why I feel that JKT heat is worse than Singapore's... Thank god I wore sleeveless. Cheers to me. Tonny came to pick us at the airport and drove us to Central Jakarta to have lunch and meet Cheeze. The mall we went was so atas it was like Paragon. We wanted to get our SIM cards, and we went to every single phone shop in that mall but the cards were sold out everywhere. zzz We visited legit all the telecom shops in that mall, and the mall was like super huge I don't understand how did they sell out all their sim cards...
Okay can. So we decided to have our lunch first before heading to Llaollao. (Cause Singapore no Llaollao... HAHAHAH) Then we crossed the road over to some road side shops... It was so scary... To cross the busy road, walking along the street shops and those child beggars will like legit follow you and tug your bags/hands... SO SCARYYYYYYY OMG. Thank god for Tonny and Cheeze man.
As I said, service in Jakarta is like super slow... They take their time, take your time its okay, while I was dying in the heat, surrounded by cats... Okay can. Then, Tonny need to leave for his classes, so we finally got the Indonesia number + SIM card, and crossed the road AGAIN. We got our baggage from Tonny's car and said bye to Tonny. Cheeze accompanied us to top up our data and our 3G, with us dragging our baggage with us and everyone was staring at us. LOL.
Finally got our data after all the travelling and fuss; then we got a cab to a place that we're supposed to take a bus to Bandung. Thank god for Cheeze who accompanied us all the way there, I cannot imagine what is going to happen without him and Tonny... Yay we didn't get sold, and we reached safely at Bandung after like 3/4 hours on the road. WTF members damn funny, they were like "the bus is going to stop at a rest station, do not get out of the car guys" Like who will wanna go out of the bus... It's so scary and so hot, we just wanted to stay in the bus till we reach Bandung.
But once we reached Bandung, people started to get off the bus at like side stops. We started to panic and started to ask the guys where to stop, they were like stop at the last stop. Bro how would we know which stop is the last one. Thank god for google maps, we managed to get off at the correct stop, which was the bus company's headquarters. And we're supposed to wait there for Isol to bring us to our hotel. Which we waited for like... 40 minutes, when he said that he will reach in 15 minutes. Isol... I believed in you, what ever happened to 15 minutes.
He rode his bike in and I was telling the girls that he's here THEY DOUBT ME SIA. But okay he helped us to cross the road, which was super funny cause we're super scared to cross the road full of driving cars in both directions. But what Isol did was to just held out his arm and stop all the cars for us to cross with our baggages. LOL, thanks Iron Man.
We got into the cab and finally went to our hotel, Hilton Hotel. And Unnie said to say with Isol cause she only need 2 passports and I look more like a local. K can. But the room was so big! Yayy to two queen sized bed. <3 Isol was legit our saviour of the day, Hilton doesn't provide free wifi for in house guest... (WTS) But Isol manage to get it through the bellboy with some talking...... Isol the best.
Then we finally went to Paris Van Java (PVJ) for some food #finally. Had some pasta and nasi goreng etc for dinner, with some live band singing in the restaurant, great vibes~ Wanted to have some cute bingsu but when we're done with our meal everything was closed... WAI... Ya'll close so early for what. Bitch, so we headed to the hotel to rest for the day.
Welcome to the second day, we're supposed to meet the rest at like what 10.30am but guess what they were all super late. So we woke up at 8.30am and we stay in the hotel waiting for them till like what 11+?! I was so hungry omg.
Then we decided to just head to C-walk and ask the rest to meet us there. C-walk is full of food! So many de food options, but we settled for Japanese food. And we ordered a lot LOL... There wasn't anything much to shop but we went to the arcade. LOL We played for a while and it rained super heavily... And we were still waiting for them.
But when they (Kiko, Tiyo & Auty) came it was so awkward... HAHAHAH We're singing Bangbangbang when we first met LOL. Then we went to get some bubble tea as well as some snacks and drinks to head back to the hotel cause burden Unnie forgotten her pills. So it means that we have to get back to the hotel just to get her pills. Burden.
Initially we wanted to play escape room over at Cwalk but there isn't any English speaking instructions. Okay can, bye. Went back to the Hotel and waited for some more burdens (Anggara & Gema) to reach before we went to ESCAPE ROOM. YASSSSS.
Escape room is damn cheap over there, its like $10+ Singapore is like $20+, what the shit price difference is this. And Kiko drove us to the escape room place which was just two streets down our hotel. Everybody was like "Kiko....." in the car cause like the guys wanted to walk over since it was near but the rest wanted to take the car. (Me). Welcome.
We had 8 of us but like, we failed. We only managed to pass 55% of the room we're like whutttt. Eh if it wasn't for me the rest of them wouldn't even pass the first walkway. I can only say, escape room gives too much unrelated clues. Like what bro, so many possible answers in one room. We're stuck at the first clue LOL. Okay I admit we damn noob, we need those action style escape room, we cannot do those thinking games.
"The only source of knowledge is experience" Word.
And then we went to some ulu shit place for dinner when Isol finally woke up. Walao eh damn far. But it was the traditional Sudanese cuisine and the place was so traditionally wood craved. Most of the dishes were spicy so like the ones who don't eat spicy food tried (tsk unnie) some chilli sauce the guys brought and she cannot take it. HAHAHAHAH she deserved it HAHAHHA.
After dinner they wanted to chill, so they went to Hangover. Which is like a bar. And like wow their beer + beer tower was cheap. So Unnie and Fel just buy both. Wow. They can. I cannot. But their flavoured bintang beer was not bad. Played some games and it was so funny cause Auty can't really speak English that well and he always can't continue the game LOL. Shit I miss them. :(
Went back to our hotel to rest after that because the next day we're supposed to head to Lembang! And obviously the burdens were late, so our white lake visit has to be cancelled... Burdens.
So it was like almost an hour and a half or so to Dusun Bambu, where we had our lunch and walked around. There was the mega bounce thingy! Me and Fel tried while the rest have no guts. Chicken.
I think everybody was laughing at us cause Fel can't flip at all, she didn't even try. While I can do a back flip I can't really master the front flip. They so annoying they request so much why not they do it bondons.
Danced to some songs there with the super nice background before heading for some early dinner at some place near a tea plantation... Okay can. Tiyo had to leave for his exam so we had to hurry. Wa this guy the best exam still can go lembang...
And they just like come follow us, they just went into the plantation I was like... No need to tell the owner or anything?! LOL Apparently, there is no owner, the government funded it for the people there. Okay can. Took photos + videos there and Tiyo was like guys hurry my exam. HAHAHAHA who ask you never tell us earlier. (We only got to know it on the day itself)
So we went back to Bandung and no surprise for guessing, there was a jam. So Tiyo was late for his paper but his lecturer wasn't at the venue at... Seriously I can't understand them. Nvm, we went to upnormal some restaurant that they always eat at, plus point is that it opens till late! Had the best indo mee over there and we introduced them to games. Murderer and bluff. I cannot take it cause it was damn funny. Atuy was either the murderer or the police in most games LOL he is seldom a victim. Kiko too. So it was super easy to catch them if you're the police. LMAO.
We headed back to the hotel room for some sleep cause the next day was THEME PARK DAY. And I swear they are super annoying cause all of them will only appear 2/3 hours after the meeting time. kns. We're supposed to meet at 10.30 for breakfast and then head to the theme park but in the end we got to the park at 3pm. Good job guys, I clap for you.
So they were late; me and fel was waiting for everyone in the room, then slowly one by one came means I had to go down and fetch them up one by one. Good job guys. And then bondons 1,2 and 3 died cause they didn't sleep. GOOD JOB. Finally when they move their assess of the bed we went to fetch Isol. (LATE PRINCESS SERIOUSLY)
Met Atuy and Ajie on the way but we're so shocked cause Atuy supposed to work on that day. Sighs, them and their attitude towards work and exam. Garoro also got a shock of his life while waiting for Isol. HAHAHAAH But I swear they damn bad to the guy.
Finally we had our lunch at wings zone, and what is 50pcs of chicken~~~ Life man, everything was less than $40 with drinks + fries and rice. Life. If we had 50pcs of chicken in Singapore I bet it will be like $100+ just for the chicken. Bondon.
Played murderer there too and the high level murders came, Isol and Ajie. Isol is damn fast, I think he trained his wink from all the performances that he had done LOL. Pro. Ajie was damn quiet and then he got the murderer card and I got killed first. Wa shit, this is damn fast. He was still playing his game a minute ago and he just winked at me?! Anjing I died. Police was so slow AHHAHAHA
And then it was 2+ when we headed to the theme park. #FINALLY. Omg I cannot, I cannot believe we agreed to meet at 10.30 when we reach the park at 3pm in the end. Guys?! Seriously. Anyways, the park was really small, there's only a few rides and only one roller coaster. K can, hi fuji Q I miss your awesomeness.
Got onto the rides and loser unnie can't take the giant swing cause she loser. And Kiko almost puked. HAHAAHAHA weak.Went into the ghost train and some flume ride, and I regretted. It was so dark + the flume ride was super wet. I WAS DRENCHED BY SITTING IN THE FIRST ROW. Guys ya'll suck.
(Stage self)
(True self)
Went to the other rides and spammed roller coaster rides, before we filmed some more dance videos in the park. Then we went for some shopping, whoever said that shopping was cheap in Bandung. /coughs Hey guys, I bought nothing omg ya'll should be proud of me cause I am. Thanks.
Had dinner at some restaurant which offers FREE FLOW ICE MILO holy shit. Heaven. Ahhh~ Atuy said there's a place which sell cards nearby so I was like thanks Atuy. And we continued our murderer game. And Anggara finally was the police. He's always the victim in every single game before that. So when he revealed he was the police he was sooooooooo happy. I wonder what's his reaction if he got the murderer card. LOL
Went to rest for awhile in the hotel before getting to Shelter. Anjing so smelly I died inside. They rest died after that too but who cares I need to sleep. Thank you and welcome. Woke up on the last day with barely any sleep cause the rest were so noisy playing games and talking so loudly... Bondons living up to their titles.
Me and Fel went for a dip in the pool with Gema and he filmed this super funny slow-mo video, I kennot.
They decided to extend the car for another day to send us to the airport instead of us taking the mini bus to the JKT airport. Nawww, thanks guys. Went for our last lunch together and Fel was so emotional after that. HAHAHAHHA Don't cry Fel.
Reached JKT after a few hours of car ride and we had our last meal together at the airport. Apparently we had to head inside to the check in area, only ticket holders are allowed. So we checked in and came out of the area to have dinner. LOL so mafan.
And like we cried. HAHAAHAH What ever happened to not being emotional. But what's super ridiculous was that, it was last call for our flight.... SO WE RAN IN THE AIRPORT AGAIN. Like we're there super early?! Omg so we ran through the check-in area, through the customs immigration, through the transit area, all the way till the freaking last gate. What... They changed our gate to the super last gate. Which was super far? Omg I cannot believe that we ran in JKT airport when in the first place we reached super early. LOL.
Essay for my loves;
So that running marks the end of our trip to Indonesia, it feels that we've did a lot of stuffs together, but actually it was just like 4 days? I think that through this trip I've gotten a lot closer with the girls as well as the bondons over at bandung. It was so awkward at first but I'm glad that we've became close despite the language barrier. But guys, it is time to brush up all of your English.
There were so many first time in this trip, first time heading to trans studio, first time heading to duck side, first time heading to lembang and all the ridiculous and nonsense first times, first time in shelter (FML), first time in hangover, first time running in JKT airport. But I'm glad that it happened cause money can't buy experience and friendships. Thanks so much for the wonderful and memorable trip, I'll skype you guys when I'm in Europe when you guys are in JKT together... Still bumped that I cannot join you guys this time but I believe that there will always be a next time. /coughsatuy'sinvitationcoughs/ Miss all of you guys so so so so much and the other two older ladies for the company and everything. Words can't express how much ya'll meant to me but xoxo.
Will be in Europe in May till the 19th and then will head to Bangkok after that till the 24th! So excited for my Europe trip, my first ever west side adventure!
Till the next post, xoxo
With Loves,
Labels: #joeytraveldiary, Bandung, Indonesia, Jakarta, Travel |